Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thank you Caleb<3

Hey Caleb. I don't know why its taken me so long to write anything..i've actually thought about writing something everyday..but i'm listening to your song that we listened to at your service and i guess it kinda inspired me. I just wanted you to know how much you have made me appreciate life. I can remember our senior year in English, you and all the boys knew how bad I was at giving speeches haha I would get so nervous it was unreal but i can remember the day I had to give my memory passage and you said to me in the hall before class outside the office, you said "it's no big deal just look at me the whole time" but I knew looking at you would just cause trouble because youd do something goofy. And of course when i got up to do my speech, I was so nervous, my face was brightt red(which you guys got a kick out of) lol, and for some unknown reason when I couldn't remember a line.. I looked at you and you had the smirk on your face, I can't remember how long it took to finish that memory passage but I can guarantee I was probably trying my hardest not to bust out laughing. I know we had our silly arguments but everytime I think of you I can't even be sad because all the memories are so funny. You were a good person and you gave me a whole new outlook on life Caleb and I just wanted to say thank you. See ya soon buddy can't wait<3
